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Custom order for unstretched painting in size 60"x60" for Amanda

Custom order for unstretched painting in size 60"x60" for Amanda

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We offer free professional shipping worldwide.

Delivery takes about 5-7 business days of order shipment.

Cancelation. Return and Exchanges

We accept free cancellations within 7 days of order placement. After 7 days, we charge a fee of 10%.

Our return policy extends for 30 days from the date of artwork delivery.

Contact us within this period to initiate the return. The item must be shipped in the original packaging and in the same condition you received it within 30 days of its delivery.

Please pay attention, we do not accept returns or exchanges for custom or personalized orders.

If your painting is defective or damaged we will replace it, just send us an email at kladov@trendgallery.art

Custom order

Yes, we can create unique artwork or personalise current one basing on your specific requirements and preferences including subject matter, size, orientation, color scheme. Some original works of art are not subject to modifications.

Custom order for unstretched painting in size 60"x60" for Amanda
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Amanda Scully
Florence our Giraffe

From the first email I had sent to Trend Gallery original abstract art was a breath of fresh air, not only was it on a Sunday in the middle of the night they replied instantly to my request, their customer service, care their desire to capture what we wanted was without a doubt above and beyond what we have ever had. They held my hand so to speak through every process, building trust answering every question so they could achieve exactly what we desired. It’s very hard to be in someone else’s mind but that’s exactly what they did , because of their communication, polite, patient, conscientious however most importantly they listened, we felt at ease as this was a 5ft x 5ft piece of art and we needed to be on the same page and have the trust to which was on another level because they we’re!
Once Florence was drafted and we agreed to go ahead with her we were told that when the artist started to paint her she put her heart and soul into creating and achieving what we had wanted.
The delivery was flawless, so when our precious package arrived it was breathtaking we couldn’t stop looking at her !
Trend Gallery
original abstract art captured our thoughts and the artist poured out her soul.
The canvas is gallery standard at the highest quality, the heavy textures allows you to see every detail !
I can say without a doubt we are now working on making another piece of art by Trend Gallery !
Thank you so much we are absolutely delighted 🤩


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