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Black Painting Oversized Wall Art Decor Abstract Bronze Brown Painting White And Black | DEEP GAZE - Trend Gallery Art | Original Abstract Paintings
Black Painting Oversized Wall Art Decor Abstract Bronze Brown Painting White And Black | DEEP GAZE - Trend Gallery Art | Original Abstract Paintings
Black Painting Oversized Wall Art Decor Abstract Bronze Brown Painting White And Black | DEEP GAZE - Trend Gallery Art | Original Abstract Paintings
Black Painting Oversized Wall Art Decor Abstract Bronze Brown Painting White And Black | DEEP GAZE - Trend Gallery Art | Original Abstract Paintings
Black Painting Oversized Wall Art Decor Abstract Bronze Brown Painting White And Black | DEEP GAZE - Trend Gallery Art | Original Abstract Paintings
a series of photographs of a living room and dining room


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Rolled in a tube Stretched Framed
$887.00 $577.00
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Modern Brown White Solo
Creation Time

Production time usually takes 1-2 weeks, if you have any exact deadlines, please kindly let us know about them, so we can do our best to meet them!

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Delivery takes about 5-7 business days of order shipment.

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We accept free cancellations within 7 days of order placement. After 7 days, we charge a fee of 10%.

Our return policy extends for 30 days from the date of artwork delivery.

Contact us within this period to initiate the return. The item must be shipped in the original packaging and in the same condition you received it within 30 days of its delivery.

Please pay attention, we do not accept returns or exchanges for custom or personalized orders.

If your painting is defective or damaged we will replace it, just send us an email at kladov@trendgallery.art

Custom order

Yes, we can create unique artwork or personalise current one basing on your specific requirements and preferences including subject matter, size, orientation, color scheme. Some original works of art are not subject to modifications.

Black Painting Oversized Wall Art Decor Abstract Bronze Brown Painting White And Black | DEEP GAZE - Trend Gallery Art | Original Abstract Paintings
$887.00 $577.00

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stretching and frame option

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Absolutely love Lisa's work. She delivered an absolutely stunning piece in a very short time. I highly recommend her. I've already ordered another piece.


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