What exactly round painting is?

Round art has existed for centuries. Examples of round art can be seen in Greek Antiquity. There were varieties of it (round-shaped painting or sculptures). It has also been used as a design element in architecture since the Renaissance and played an important role.

Favored by Raphael for Madonna paintings, round artworks have been created by artists since Greek antiquity when they used to decorate vases and bottoms of wine glasses. Since then it has been less common.

Round painting was revived in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in Italy. The round paintings in the center of painted vases of that period are known as tondi.

A Tondo is a special area of art. It comes from Italian “rotondo” that means round. This style appeared in Italy and named “desco da parto” (it is a birth tray or birth salver). It was very important on the occasion of the successful birth in Early Modern Florence.

However, the term "tondo" is used for paintings and sculpture over 60 cm in diameter in English art.

Nowdays, there are a thousand varieties of round artwork that includes flowers, vinyl records, wood prints, posters, greeting cards, round canvas and even more. Round art is getting more popular.

Round Painting

The popularity of it seems to have lead many artists and our artists from Trend Gallery are not an exception. They created their own awesome round paintings:

GLEAM from $552
GLEAM from $552
GLEAM from $552+

 If you are looking for a new challenge in your interior, you should definitely consider round wall art. It includes not only round paintings but also round wooden signs, discs etc.

Most artists use round painting panels to create masterpieces (for example, DaVinci Artist Supply). Sometimes, nothing beats the bare basis and it is amazing that some simple thing can open up endless artistic possibilities. However, you’ll definitely know the how as soon as you get the round painting.

Round painting can be a really good hobby. For start up you can use painting panels. Acrylic Painting would look great on it.

You can also check out our round artwork and find the one you like!

Don't Be a Square

A round format will add an interesting compositional element to your house. If you wish to hang it on the wall you can get it framed.


Is this a handmade painting or a print?
All the paintings are 100% original and handmade. Our experienced team of artists create all the canvases from scratch, using high quality materials and professional skills.
What's the production and delivery time?
For production we need about 3-4 weeks and delivery takes 3-5 business days. When the painting is ready we will send you the photos of it and only after your confirmation we will ship it to you. As for oil paintings, they need extra few weeks to get dry, that`s why they are shipped within a month after your approval.
What is the size of the paintings?
The size of the paintings depends on canvas orientation and ranges from 26x26" to 114x114". We can also create a painting in any custom size according to inquired dimensions.
How to make a custom order?
We also offer the custom order option. To make a custom order please contact us via email kladov@trendgallery.art or contact customer support service, which works 24\7 and is ready to discuss your custom order or any questions in chat on the website.