Modern art is something that is difficult to understand, everyone sees their own symbols in every modern art installation, sculpture or painting. Modern artists prefere leaving space for the imagination of the viewers rather than giving straightforward descriptions of their works, many of them even leave their masterpieces without title, as it can also set limits to your creative perception. From the middle of 1880`s the artists started to pay attention to their personal feelings rather than to academic accuracy in their artworks. Since then artworks started to reflect artists’ inner thoughts and feelings.
In this article you will get to know some Modern paintings, and the artists who created them and will read about the way these paintings inspired TrendGallery painters to create their artworks. We asked our artists what features in these famous canvases inspired them to create their own art pieces. And you will find the answers below.
Cecily Brown Untitled 2009
Cecily Brown was born in London and has been living in New York for 25 years. In her interview she said that living in a big city left a huge mark on her outlook and as a result on her artworks. “In my world everything is splitted and shattered”. She takes inspiration in photographs and many of them are lying on the floor in her studio. The artist never has one particular reference, but uses many of the pictures to create her paintings. Many of her artworks bear strong resemblance to figurative art, as in the diversity of brushstrokes you will definitely find real people's bodies.
Her artworks contain classic images and caricature, she tries to combine different styles and erotic images are not rare in her works. Those features attract a lot of art lovers. Brown`s artworks are like theatrical performances, the images are moving and the shades of paint are dancing on canvas.
Inspiration for the artist from TrendGallery
I was in love with colors. They reminded me of fall. I also love the combination of big spots and small details and how the pure colors are mixed with complex ones. I used these combinations in my artwork as well but instead of fall motifs I chose summer ones.