5 Facts to Understand Kaws Art

Have you heard anything about Kaws? This is a well-known name for people who enjoy art and abstract paintings in black. There’s also a different way you can call the artist. His name is Brian Donnely, and he’s famous among the New York artistic circles. His contemporary art examples are making a real fuss in the industry, attracting people from different parts of the world to comprehend the ideas of a young revolutionary painter.

Brian is a part of a story of a street artist who got his first feedback while working on some street design art. It’s not about the high-class art but rather refers to the art for all. You meet his sets paintings on the streets and enjoy how simple they are.

The artist is inspired by everything that surrounds him. It can be a famous star or a prominent project by someone. And this is why he got caught in the public eye. Do you want to learn more about him and understand his art better? Let’s check these top 5 interesting facts about Kaws.

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How It All Started

At first, Brian started as a street graffiti artist. Only after some time art oil painting became his passion. He took his tools, went out, and looked for the ads and posters to hijack with his name. He probably has a lot to tell other people. His main graffiti started with the advertising posters he painted with different figures of monsters. And this is what huge brands liked.

The Main Idea of the Art

If you take a look at Kaws’s paintings, you will notice how nicely he depicts regular things in regular environments but with a personal artistic touch. This is what you call talent.

What Is the Main Inspiration?

If you take a look at the artistic red paintings from the author, you will notice how they are inspired by pop culture. But for Kaws, it became the core line in his art. And you can see how successful it went with most of his creations.

Experiments Rule the World

Do you know any artists that got caught by the media for no reason? In such cases, artists mostly get well-known for their bright and extraordinary ideas. And this is how Brian became known, too. His urge to experiment made him a person beloved by many. The artist is for sure known for his monsters. But the love and urge to experiment is something he’s loved for.

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The Fame for Everything

If you try to look at Kaws’s art, you will notice how increasingly popular his ideas have become. This is a popular way of scenic paintings and drawing pictures. It’s not the only medium that the artist uses. He has a lot to say to his followers.

Now you know more about art. Modern artists are into experiments. Regular mundane motifs don’t work, but new approaches and the risk of offering a new vision will always rise. And this is what Kaws is all about.


Is this a handmade painting or a print?
All the paintings are 100% original and handmade. Our experienced team of artists create all the canvases from scratch, using high quality materials and professional skills.
What's the production and delivery time?
For production we need about 3-4 weeks and delivery takes 3-5 business days. When the painting is ready we will send you the photos of it and only after your confirmation we will ship it to you. As for oil paintings, they need extra few weeks to get dry, that`s why they are shipped within a month after your approval.
What is the size of the paintings?
The size of the paintings depends on canvas orientation and ranges from 26x26" to 114x114". We can also create a painting in any custom size according to inquired dimensions.
How to make a custom order?
We also offer the custom order option. To make a custom order please contact us via email kladov@trendgallery.art or contact customer support service, which works 24\7 and is ready to discuss your custom order or any questions in chat on the website.